



  1.—My computer doesn’t work, but I can't find a repair shop.

  —Oh, I know .I can take you there.

  A. the one B. one

  C.ones D. it

  2. Will you see to that the flowers are well protected during the rainy season?

  A. it B. me

  C.one D. yourself

  3. I find Tom untrustworthy, because he says one thing to your face but does behind your back.

  A. other B. another

  C. the others D. the other

  4. Of all the automobiles Ford made last year is more fuel-efficient than "FOCUS".

  A. no one B. little

  C. none D. few

  5. Some of the wine came from France and came from Australia.

  A. the rest B. the others

  C. the other D.another

  6. It seems that Mr. White has blamed us for the accident, especially .

  A. you and I

  B. I and you

  C.you and me

  D. you and we

  7.—John, when shall we meet again, Thursday or Friday?

  — .I'll be off to London then.

  A. Either B. Neither

  C. Both D. None

  8. Surprisingly, Susan’s beautiful hair reached below her knees and made almost an overcoat for her.

  A. them B. her

  C. itself D. herself

  9. The CDs are on sale! Buy one and you get completely free.

  A.other B. others

  C. one D. ones

  10. He is considered to be a gifted manager, with a quick mind and good humor.

  A.one B. each

  C. that D. who

  11. Einstein is so famous that there is who does not know him.




  D.no one

  12. —Mom, which of these coats do you like best?

  — .They are both expensive and less warm-keeping.

  A. None B. Nothing

  C. Neither D. Either

  13.He announced that the company had been transferred to city.



  C. the other

  D.one another

  14.I have two children but of them likes fruits.

  A.none B.either

  C.neither D. both

  15. Henry planned to visit country besides England.

  A. some other

  B.every other

  C.several others

  D. other

  16. Either of is quite capable of the work.

  A. girl B. the girls

  C. girls D. the girl

  17. —Have you finished reading the novel?

  —Not yet. I’m afraid I need couple of days to finish it.

  A.several B. another

  C. some other D. other

  18. idea of sounds much better than Clare's.

  A. The; hers

  B. That;her

  C. That; her's

  D. One; her

  19. I made this myself but it was who taught me.

  A. he B. him

  C. himself D. by him

  20. looked up in alarm.

  A. All the present women

  B. All the women present

  C. The all women present

  D. The all present women


  1-5 BABCA

  6-10 CBCCA

  11-15 DAACA

  16-20 BBAAB

